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Tech in Unusual Places And How Can You Implement AR And VR Into Your Business

Written by
Gina Chiruță
June 11, 2024
5 min read

Tech in Fashion with AR

Ever wished you could try on clothes without going to the store? Now you can, thanks to something called AR, or Augmented Reality. It lets you see how clothes and glasses would look on you, right on your phone's screen. Brands like L'Oréal Paris and M·A·C Cosmetics have launched virtual makeup try-ons on Amazon and YouTube and people are loving it. More brands like Gucci, Warby Parker, and Nike also offer app-based trials for jewelry, glasses, and sneakers. This technology not only enhances the shopping experience but also reduces the need for physical inventory and returns, making it a win-win for consumers and retailers alike. Pretty cool, right?

Farming: Smart Fields

Farms are getting smarter too! With special tech, farmers can watch over their crops like never before. They can check how wet the soil is, or if plants need more food, all from a gadget. This helps them grow more food without wasting water or using too many chemicals. Precision agriculture, using sensors and drones, allows farmers to monitor crop health in real time, apply fertilizers more efficiently, and even predict weather patterns to optimize planting and harvesting times. This smart farming approach increases yields and promotes sustainable farming practices, ensuring food security and environmental protection.

Healthcare: Doctor Visits on Your Screen

Going to the doctor can now happen on your screen. Through video calls, you can chat with a doctor without leaving home. This convenience extends healthcare access to those in remote or underserved areas, reducing the need for travel and wait times. And with AR, medical students can learn about the body in 3D, making it easier to understand complex stuff. AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing medical training by providing immersive simulations for surgery and diagnostics, enhancing the skills of healthcare professionals and improving patient outcomes.

Education: Fun Learning

Learning is getting a fun boost with AR. It can turn lessons into 3D adventures, like bringing dinosaurs back to life or taking you to space, all from your classroom. This interactive approach makes learning way more exciting and helps everyone understand better. Educational apps and platforms use AR to create engaging content that caters to different learning styles, making difficult subjects more accessible and enjoyable. These tools also encourage collaboration and creativity among students, preparing them for a tech-driven future.

Shopping for Your Home

Ever wondered if a new sofa will fit in your living room? AR apps let you see furniture in your space before you buy it. This means no more guessing and hoping it looks good; you can be sure it fits just right. Retailers like IKEA and Amazon have developed AR features that allow customers to visualize products in their homes, ensuring the perfect fit and style. This technology streamlines the shopping process, reduces returns, and enhances customer satisfaction by providing a personalized shopping experience.

In Short

Tech is everywhere, turning up in places we never thought it would. It's making life simpler, more fun, and even helping the planet by saving resources. From virtual clothes fitting rooms to smart farms and online doctor visits, technology is making our world a better place in some pretty cool ways. As these innovations continue to evolve, they offer endless possibilities for improving our daily lives and addressing global challenges.

Call to Action

Curious about integrating these tech wonders into your own business? Let's chat about how these innovations can tailor to your unique needs. Book a complimentary business consultation with us, and we'll explore the perfect fit for your company together. At Gatenor,, we specialize in developing cutting-edge software solutions that leverage the latest technologies to drive your business forward. Contact us today and let's create something amazing!

Gina Chiruță
Head of Business Dev
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AR Shopping
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