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How Can You Successfully Implement Voice Assistants Into Your Business And What Impact Does It Have?

Written by
Gina Chiruță
June 11, 2024
5 min read

Despite growing usage, most interactions with voice assistants remain basic. Stay with us while we explore the reasons behind this limited use. Based on PWC's latest comprehensive study on 1000 people aged 18-64, we delve into how consumers utilize voice assistants. We assess their attitudes towards this technology, their main needs, current applications, opportunities, and any concerns surrounding it.

The Popularity and Potential of Voice Assistant Technology

To maximize voice assistant tech, companies need to understand what makes it popular and how it can grow. They also need to ensure people feel confident using it without worrying about their privacy. Awareness of voice-enabled technology is still in its early stages, yet its future impact is undeniable. It's reshaping how consumers interact with brands.

Current Usage and Demographics

Out of 1000 people surveyed, 72% have used and are using voice assistants. This trend is notably high among younger demographics, families with children, and higher-income households. Businesses need to tune in and adapt to this evolving consumer behavior.

Younger vs. Older Users

While younger participants (aged 18-24) are quick to adopt voice technology, they tend to use it less frequently. In contrast, those aged 25-49 are not only adopting it but also using it more extensively, often qualifying as "heavy" users of the technology.

Preference for Home Use

Despite their portability, 74% of users primarily interact with their voice assistants at home. Many prefer the privacy of home use over public spaces, where it might seem odd. This preference for privacy, especially among younger users who are often out and about, might contribute to their lower usage rates.

Barriers to Advanced Use

Despite voice assistants' expanding capabilities, most users stick to basic tasks, with advanced uses like shopping or controlling smart home devices being less common. The main barriers include:

  • Limited Awareness: Many users are unaware of the full range of capabilities voice assistants offer.
  • Trust Issues: Users lack trust in the reliability of voice assistants, especially for tasks involving money.
  • Complexity and Cost: Integrating new technology with existing setups can seem complex and expensive.

Consumer Trust and Security Concerns

Trust is a significant issue for those shopping with voice assistants. Half of the surveyed users have made purchases, mainly buying small, low-risk items. Concerns about accidental purchases by others, like children using linked accounts, are a big issue for users. There's a desire for more secure identification methods to prevent unauthorized buying.

Advertising and Personalization Preferences

Consumers prefer control over ads from their voice assistants, choosing options like skipping ads or selecting when to hear them. Personalization based on past interactions is acceptable to some extent, but overly intrusive ads, like those based on eavesdropped conversations, raise privacy concerns. Trust in the assistant's basic functions is crucial for accepting more personalized advertising.

Integration with Smart Home Devices

When people shop for smart home gadgets, they often pick ones that work with their voice assistants. Also, the smart devices they already have can influence which voice assistant they choose to buy. It's like a two-way street where both products affect each other's choice, with 89% considering it a key factor.

User Satisfaction and Future Prospects

People are generally happy with their voice assistants, with 93% satisfied and half very happy. They feel more organized and informed. However, voice assistants on smartphones don't do as well, with only 38% very satisfied due to issues with understanding and reliability. Some also worry about privacy, especially with sensitive information, preferring voice recognition for security.

Increasing Adoption and Improving Reliability

People are using voice assistants more and plan to continue doing so. However, for wider adoption, the technology needs to become more reliable. Users expect voice assistants to be accurate, understand different accents, save time, recognize multiple voices, and simplify life.

Implementing Voice Assistants in Business

Core Strategy Integration

To successfully implement voice assistants into your business, make voice interaction a core part of your strategy. This shift can transform customer relationships, allowing more personalized engagement. Develop voice-centric business models to complement traditional methods and use data analysis to anticipate and meet customer needs effectively. Ensuring your online content is optimized for voice search can also provide users with relevant, timely information.

Building Trust with Consumers

Building trust with consumers involves ensuring voice assistants consistently understand and accurately respond to basic commands. If simple questions stump these devices, users will doubt their ability to handle more complex tasks, like planning vacations. Improving technology for a flawless user experience is crucial.

Educating Consumers and Simplifying Interactions

Educating consumers and simplifying interactions are key to broadening the use of voice assistants beyond basic commands. Many users don't explore complex features due to a lack of awareness and the perceived effort of setting them up. Companies can build trust by demonstrating the value of voice assistants through simple tasks and then gradually introducing more advanced capabilities, ideally supported by straightforward instructional content.

Navigating Advertising with Voice Assistants

Navigating advertising with voice assistants requires a careful approach to avoid turning off consumers with intrusive ads. While personalization can enhance user experience, it's essential to maintain privacy and avoid overstepping boundaries. Transparency and security in data usage are key to creating personalized experiences without crossing the line into invasiveness. Focus on integrating ads smoothly, as part of the overall content, rather than as disruptive elements, is key to maintaining a positive user experience.

Consumer Perception and Adaptation

Voice assistants are generally viewed favorably, seen as smart and convenient alternatives to traditional methods. However, consumer preference can vary, and as with any emerging technology, adaptation takes time. Building a solid foundation of trust and reliability is key to their broader acceptance and potential to significantly impact daily life.

Conclusion: Building Trust and Engagement with Voice Assistants

At the heart of it all lies a journey: from awareness to experience, and ultimately, trust. It starts with consumers understanding the potential and benefits of voice technology. As their experiences with voice assistants evolve, driven by accurate and personalized interactions, trust naturally follows.

As software providers, we prioritize consumer privacy, ensuring their data is safeguarded and interactions remain respectful and transparent, building trust every step of the way. What are your thoughts on integrating voice assistants into your home? Are you confident in their construction, that is prioritizing your privacy and security? What about its use for your business in generating sales? Let us know what your thoughts are on this subject; we would love your input.

Gina Chiruță
Head of Business Dev
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Voice assistants usage
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